Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Assignment- Free write exercise

This summer I did a bit of traveling back and forth airport to airport. I remember walking extremely fast down terminals to catch flights that seemed like a journey to get to. I also did a lot of hanging out in tourist hot spots in Virginia and California which were really interesting as far as the beach and weather, family, and food were concerned. I never was able to get a job this summer, but I did manage to do a logo on the window of Lenny's sub shop off of Highland st across the street from U of Memphis before the summer even started. That was pretty fun considering that we did it in approximately 30 hours almost non- stop. My brother and I also exercised a lot this summer. We were back and forth almost every monday, wednesday, and friday. Working the bench press then curls then whatever else we could squeeze out of our tired muscles. I spent a lot of catch up time with my family this summer, earning my place back into their lives, since we have been apart for so long. This summer I also practiced a lot with music. I have a drum set out in Virginia (VA) and I found it difficult to take what I know and apply it to actual drum beats. What I mean is that I have a lot of technical exercises that should be applied into music. 


In this free- write I realize that it has a kind of adventure to it. There are different instances of me talking about self improvement in terms of skills or family. I have a lot of traveling experience so I could maybe focus my attention to terminals or airports, planes, or traveling in general. Or maybe music in dealing with my drum set. Maybe music theory concerning the instrument and its connection to weight lifting. 

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