Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Ryan McGahan said...

So, Im kind of confused. Is you project going to be about how its better to weight train at a slow pace than a fast pace? I think maybe instead of finding a metaphor for weight training with the tortise and the hare, you could turn weight training into a metaphor for something else: social, political, personal...

Eikyo Tenchi said...

Aight, so far I get your overall scheme of things, but for me the execution of retelling an old story has to have some creative work to it without just rehashing the story of the tortoise and the hare. I do like this twist of the tortoise building body mass and working out to make itself better and the parallel of the fast but not necessarily fit hare. I'm interested in how far this can be developed. Since this is a narrative as far as it is explained, I'm interested in how you will draw out the characters in comparison to the donkey and gorilla animation previously.

wyatt said...

i think that the turtle is doing the work out right and the hare is trying to be a badass and show him up. right? i think that you could take this project so many different ways. i really want to see some cool shit about the muscle anatomy.